Anti-epidemic with NCCO Technology
NCCO Vent has been tested and proven to be effective in removing bacteria and viruses that transmit to the rooftop through the vent piples, eliminating the risk of a large-scale spread of infectious diseases caused by the turbulence effect.

Effectively Removes
Up to 99.9% of Bacteria & Viruses
Effectively Purifies
Up to 99.98% of VOCs
Long-lasting Filter
No need for frequent replacement

Hong Kong Invention
Vent Mist & Odour
Installed Users
* The Installation of NCCO Vent (NCCO Syphon Anti-Turbulence Purification) has been tested and proven to be effective in removing bacteria and viruses that transmit to the rooftop through the vent pipes, eliminating the risk of a large-scale spread of infectious diseases caused by the turbulence effect
Activated Carbon VS NCCO
Technical Features
Cannot kill bacteria and viruses.
Can only adsorb pollutatnts, not decompose them.
Pollutants will be released back into the air when the filter is saturated, causing secondary pollution.
The filter life is only about 3 months, thuse needs to be frequently changed.
Remove over 99.9% viruses & bacteria.
As gaseous pollutants decomposed, no secondary pollution.
NCCO filter can be regenerated. That means no need to be frequently changed.
Decompose gaseous pollutants into H2O and CO2

Hong Kong Housing Authority Headquarter*

St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese School*

Hong Kong Science Park*

Hong Kong Adventist Hospital

HK International Airport Public Washroom
NCCO Certificates
NCCO Vent (NCCO Syphonage Anti-Turbulence System)

1. Vent Pipe
2. Fresh Air
3. Collecting Cover
4. Active Oxygen Generator
5. HEPA & NCCO Reactor
6. Blower
7. Clean AIr